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People in these organizations want to exceed the expectations and the needs of their constituents. They want to move from giving someone a fish to teaching them to fish for themselves. They are seeking sustainability rather than repeated interventions. This requires going above and beyond the immediate need, and it takes a special kind of person to maintain this mindset and this philosophy with strained resources.
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People in these organizations want to exceed the expectations and the needs of their constituents. They want to move from giving someone a fish to teaching them to fish for themselves. They are seeking sustainability rather than repeated interventions. This requires going above and beyond the immediate need, and it takes a special kind of person to maintain this mindset and this philosophy with strained resources.
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People in these organizations want to exceed the expectations and the needs of their constituents. They want to move from giving someone a fish to teaching them to fish for themselves. They are seeking sustainability rather than repeated interventions. This requires going above and beyond the immediate need, and it takes a special kind of person to maintain this mindset and this philosophy with strained resources.
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People in these organizations want to exceed the expectations and the needs of their constituents. They want to move from giving someone a fish to teaching them to fish for themselves. They are seeking sustainability rather than repeated interventions. This requires going above and beyond the immediate need, and it takes a special kind of person to maintain this mindset and this philosophy with strained resources.
All About Mission
An introduction to our mission, to the things that drive us to make things better for the organizations we serve:
- Organizations like the ones we’re working with are starved for resources, often working on a shoestring. And people that make up these organization can be overburdened with unrealistic, mutually exclusive and vague expectations.
- We recognize that programs are often about meeting the needs of constituents in extreme circumstances, and helping people at their worst moments – this contrasts with the administrative and repetitive nature of the tasks that are associated with meeting their needs. People that work in these organizations are well served when the day to day doesn’t get in the way of the interface between programs and constituents.
- People in these organizations want to exceed the expectations and the needs of their constituents. They want to move from giving someone a fish to teaching them to fish for themselves. They are seeking sustainability rather than repeated interventions. This requires going above and beyond the immediate need, and it takes a special kind of person to maintain this mindset and this philosophy with strained resources.
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People in these organizations want to exceed the expectations and the needs of their constituents. They want to move from giving someone a fish to teaching them to fish for themselves. They are seeking sustainability rather than repeated interventions. This requires going above and beyond the immediate need, and it takes a special kind of person to maintain this mindset and this philosophy with strained resources.
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People in these organizations want to exceed the expectations and the needs of their constituents. They want to move from giving someone a fish to teaching them to fish for themselves. They are seeking sustainability rather than repeated interventions. This requires going above and beyond the immediate need, and it takes a special kind of person to maintain this mindset and this philosophy with strained resources.
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People in these organizations want to exceed the expectations and the needs of their constituents. They want to move from giving someone a fish to teaching them to fish for themselves. They are seeking sustainability rather than repeated interventions. This requires going above and beyond the immediate need, and it takes a special kind of person to maintain this mindset and this philosophy with strained resources.
It is our mission to deliver solutions that “do more with less”… to equip public-facing organizations with advanced tools and solutions that allow their expertise to shine. To provide easier ways to procure, implement and take advantage of new and innovative tools and systems. To complement the expertise and passion of the public servants with efficient systems, etc.It is our mission to keep the needs and dreams of the constituents in focus and to find better and more efficient ways to make systems work for those outcomes.
It is our mission to equip and train staff and leadership to be the best version of their professional selves that they can be, and that their organization can become.
Our Organization
Talysys is a mindset, or an attitude. Talysys is about client needs first, second and third. Talysys is about adding value, solving problems, testing options and pushing hard to find better ways to get things done. Talysys is a small, but growing, team of experts. Talysys was founded in a bar in Columbia, Maryland over beers, corn nuggets and mozzarella stix not that long ago.
At Talysys, we start a conversation by taking a look at a client’s public-facing content, and the mechanisms/channels through which people engage with them – the total user experience. We bring fresh eyes and fresh perspective.
We do website design and development to update and refresh that user experience, and make it easier for new clients and constituents to locate and engage through search engine optimization (SEO), advertising and promotional campaigns and creating opportunities for earned media, and build systems to better capture and manage constituent information, optimizing the lifetime relationship between our client and their audiences.
We continuously articulate and clarify objectives. Everything we do is designed to drive our clients towards greater success, greater efficiency and greater impact.
We strive to support our clients as affordably as possible. Talk about costs and budget is usually not the first topic that we raise, though we know it’s often the main thing on the mind of our clients. We are always willing to discuss costs to provide clarity and test feasibility, though our clients are often surprised at how much we cover before we consider costs. We enjoy drinking coffee and participating in a stimulating conversation, so we invite you to talk with us about your mission, your challenges and your work without obligation.
When it’s time to talk turkey, we will provide fixed-cost estimates for the work we do at any time, whether it’s to create a project scope or implement a major marketing campaign.
At Talysys, we know that our expertise is made better through partnership with complementary organizations and professionals. We invite other organizations and consultants to work with us to grow business opportunities and deliver holistic solutions to public sector and nonprofit clients.
To discuss, please contact Tim Pinel at tpinel@talysys.com or 301-531-4870